Teaching Life Strategies

Build your child's confidence with STEM Based Programming today!

Through our interactive
Strategic Chess, LEGO®, Performance Magic and Origami lessons your child will grow in confidence, critical thinking, problem solving and sportsmanship.

Register Today! 

Strategic Magic

Strategic Magic class has the goal of using magic as a way to teach children public speaking skills and confidence! Each week students will learn new tricks and get to practice doing them in front of the class.

This Strategic Kids curriculum was written by a professional magician and has been a huge success. Children learn card tricks, coin tricks, ball tricks and more!! The last week of this program includes a show case for the children to demonstrate their new skills to their parents and friends!

Class includes constructing take home magic tricks as well!

Why Magic?

Strategic Magic Teaches and Helps Children with:

- Performance
- Gaining Confidence
- Magic Tricks
- Developing Patience

- Public Speaking
- Fine Motor Skills
- Visualizing Results
- Having Fun